Sunday, September 30, 2007

Cheer Season again!

Wow! I really notice how much the girls look like each other here. They are back into cheering for Football and will start Basketball after the first of the year. It is nice here at Maxwell. You pay a minimal fee for the two seasons. The other advantage is that the girls can do it together and I am not running all around. I couldn't do it this year.

My Funny Girl

My friend called me yesterday while Miranda was at her house playing and had to share Miranda's conversation. Their conversation went something like this:

Friend's Mom: Miranda I like your skirt, can I wear it?
Miranda: I don't think it will fit you.
FM: Why not?
M: (a slight pause) You are TALLER than me!

The mom just had to share that Miranda was being polite and cautious to answer without hurting her feelings. I was quite proud of my little girl. She is a crack up and I have been told more than once this weekend that she keeps everybody around her laughing.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


You know we have struggled with Mickey since we got him. He has been offered Prozac on many occasions and doesn't do well with kids and visitors. So, before our homestudy I made it very clear that Mickey had to find a new home. The girls have done exceptionally well. We took Mickey to the Humane Society 2 weeks ago. They haven't even mentioned him since! Why didn't I do this a long time ago? I was so afraid that the kids would be upset and scarred for life. Dave and I have had a harder time than the girls. Dave can't bring himself to go pick up his cage. We told the girls that they couldn't accompany us to the shelter. The lady that we left him with assured us that he would receive a good home and be peaceful.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ready for Home Study

We received word this week that we are now approved to get our Homestudy. We will have a social worker contact us in the next week and set up a meeting. I think it will be a month or so after the meeing that the Homestudy will be finished. I'm not sure what all it involves, other than cleaning my house this weekend :)!!!! We are still a long way out, but progressing steadily.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Here is a picture of all of us with Emily. Our neice Emily is stationed in Florida just a few hours away. She came down for a visit and we went to Six Flags for free Air Force Day. It was so much fun to have her here. We can't wait for more visits!