Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Huge Adoption Changes

This weekend has been an up and down one for me. I ended it with a migraine on Sunday :) I have been doing a lot of research on adoption and Vietnam. There are big changes right now and I have several family adoption blogs that I follow that are are stuck in Vietnam without approval to bring their babies back and stuck in turmoil. I began doing a lot more research and Dave and I have prayed and decided that we are changing agencies. Granted, this is one of the last weeks to decide this. It has a lot of repercussions.....a much longer wait for our baby, but a much more reputable and trust worthy agency. Not that I would say our previous agency was bad, but it had some horrible reviews online and a lot of baggage that we can't afford to carry. I'm not willing to chance this with all of the emotion and finances that we will have to put toward this adoption. We knew that the length of time would be extended with the old agency and we would not be able to travel until after this summer. It now means that we will be waiting a year longer. That is tough to swallow, but we feel so much more peace about this decision. We initially applied and were approved with our new agency before we chose the old agency, so there isn't too much to catch up on. Yeah! We didn't really waste the money on the initial application. And....the new agency is cheaper!!!! And....the new agency is where my cousin was adopted from!

We also decided to not change countries. We could change countries and change our wait time as well, but I have my heart set on Vietnam right now. We are going with our gut instincts. Dave and I both feel that it is the right decision to make. We need to know with all assurance that the adoption process is completely ethical and that the adopted children are truly orphans and the parents are not being paid off. This change is the one safeguard that I feel I can take to make sure we are doing our part.


Anonymous said...

From one parent who had to make this same difficult decision at a crucial time in the process to another - you will NEVER regret this decision. If you think you can sleep well at night now just wait until you can look your child in the eyes and share the truth about his or her history. You should be very proud of yourselves.