Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Kyndall!

Hey! Happy Birthday Kyndall. Boy, if I wasn't working and had a little extra cash just sitting around I would be in Oregon right now. I sure wanted to fly out to help Kyndall celebrate her first birthday. It is hard to be Auntie Valorie and Kyndall not even know me. Maybe she'll want to talk on the phone when she is a little older.

We had a great Christmas. Dave rented a beach cabin for us and we went down to Florida for a few days. It was nice to be together as a family for four consecutive days. The girls were completely spoiled. McKenzie with a new electric Daisy Rock guitar and Miranda with an "intendo" DS. Dave found our way home with his new Garmin GPS. Why did we not do this YEARS ago? (oh yeah, they didn't have them and we couldn't afford one!) If you have known us long, you know that we don't travel well together. Neither one of us have a great sense of direction and reading the map is not my greatest skill set. This little purchase could have saved us lots of heated "discussions" in the car. If you don't follow it, it tells you.....I don't have to!