Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Roller Coaster

The adoption process is quite often called "The Roller Coaster." This doesn't even come close, those are fun. Waiting for Nathan is not. I'm not sure what I would tag adoption today. I am trying to focus on the here and now. I have a great family of two wonderful girls and a great husband. I was up at 2:30 a.m. to call our agency....this whole time zone thing stinks. I didn't get through and realized that if I did, I wouldn't be rational. I called after the girls headed off to school. They will research what has happened and didn't seem to think my e-mail from the Department of Homeland Security not having any of our information on file was alarming. It helped to talk to them, I think. I was also told that travel before the end of the year was almost impossible. I think I knew that was coming, just not something that I wanted to hear. I have to remember that God has a bigger plan than I can see and that He has this all under control. I need to release it. I'm trying. I have to remind myself of this several times a day. Holt said they would get back to me by the end of the week. That is Saturday here. Have I told you that I don't like the time zone changes?


Hank said...


Tricia and I are praying for you all. We know how you feel. This 4 year journey for us is about as horrible of a wait as it can be. Know that there are many time zones praying for you all!

Stevens Family said...

UGG!! It's just not fair how long Dong Nai families wait!! NOT FAIR!!! I'm glad you were able to get through to Holt and talk with them a bit. I'm sorry about the news of not traveling until after Christmas :(. As always, you and my waiting friends are always in our thoughts and prayers.