I am almost out of my left contacts and need a prescription to order more, so I finally got in with the optometrist. I had to take Miranda to karate as soon as I was finished there and refused dilation. I had it done last year. I figured I was fine without it. I then told him that I would like to try another brand of contacts because I keep going through my left ones really fast and they rip easily...I'm cheap. He suggested that he watch me take them out. So, I did. I looked over at him without my contacts and I think he was about to pass out. He couldn't believe how I did it. I don't really think about it. I use my fingernails...this would cause frequent tearing :) I'm not sure how I would do it without my finger nails. He suggested that I cut the nails and come back in two weeks for the pairs that he has ordered and my dilation. I'm a BAD optometry patient. I feel like kind of a dork to have not known that I was ripping them with my nails, I'm still not sure how to get them out without it and I'm not quite ready to cut them. I just got them done, thanks to santa!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Yesterday was a jam-packed day. We had a busy day with church. Dave spoke and SONICFLOOd ended with worship. It was a lot of great worship from our chapel worship teams and from SONICFLOOd. Afterward, the staff went down to the beach and had a picnic with the whole gang.
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 5:34 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sonicflood is on Guam this weekend and has asked to lead worship for our service tomorrow. We are all very excited. Dave was asked to speak....what a fun time it will be tomorrow. Since the base chapel is hosting them tomorrow, Dave asked me to make a cake. At first I said I'd think about it and then I decided that I wasn't going to put myself through the stress until Dave told me last night that he had been "bragging" at work that I was making a cake. I really wanted to say no, but didn't have any good reason to say no, other than I didn't "feel" like it :) So, today, I have been baking and now I am on to cleaning. If you go to www.sonicflood.com you will see why my cake looks like it does. I'm sure we will have more to post tomorow.
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 8:46 PM 3 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Me & My Running Girls!
I love these girls. They help me grow in my running ability and are a blast to be with. Today we finished almost 4 miles. I think they are pushing for 5 miles next week!
Here I am after I have just finished my first official 5K run.
Finishing a 5K has been a goal of mine for a long time. I wanted to complete it before I turned 30. That didn't happen, but I did finish an official 5K race before I turned 35. Now mind you, I am not racing. I am looking for endurance and just plain finishing with running the whole way :)
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 10:35 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
These aren't babysteps....we're running!
We found out today that we have DOJ approval and not only do we have DOJ approval, we have MOJ approval too! Our agency was giving us an estimate of 8 weeks and it was about 4 days!
We are now estimated to have PC approval in 11-12 weeks. This means the VN govn will clear us to come get Nathan and we will travel approximately two weeks after the approval!!!!!! I feel like I am spinning today. I have SO much to get ready for. Haven't I had time to be prepared already? Now I can allow myself to get excited that this really is going to happen!
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 8:57 AM 9 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
More Cake
This is a ladybug cake that I finished this weekend. Check back, I may be making another cake this weekend too. We'll see how much time I have.
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Hey, you out there in adoption land! If you have an Ergo and don't use it anymore and would like to sell it to me, please send me an e-mail. I may be interested. It is time for me to start getting myself together, so I thought I would start with the baby carrier. I hear it is great for bonding and you know we are going to need that!
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 2:27 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
More Baby Steps
I am delighted that we received a call from our agency and Dong Nai has finished their investigations and now we are waiting on the the official signature and DOJ approval. I am praying that it comes soon. How hard can it be? A signature and stuff it in an envelope and send it on to the MOJ, this shouldn't be too hard. Well, we'll see how fast it really goes.
It is with a heavy heart that we don't have our fellow Dong Nai families finished with their investigations. I know that this adoption process is a growing time for us. It is stretching my faith. It brings me to the questions of why do we have "almost approval" while others who have been waiting for SO LONG and WAY TOO LONG, still do not have this. It is similar to being in an accident and wondering why we come out unscathed and others are injured. These aren't questions that can have answers. But, makes me think. I am so thankful that we are moving forward. Please pray for the other 8 families that are waiting. The children need to be expedited home!
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 5:49 PM 6 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
5 Flies for $1
That's the goin' price at our house. I am so sick of flies that I decided to give the girls an incentive for ridding my house of them. McKenzie has earned $2. (She was hogging the fly swatter)
Did you know that Chamorros don't track their animals after shooting them by following the trail of blood? The stop and listen.....for the swarms of flies. You'll find it every time! I have never seen so many flies in all of my life! Surprisingly enough, they aren't huge like the toads. Just normal house fly sized :)
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I-600 Preapproval!
Yeah! We have FINALLY received I-600 approval. This is the last step for the US side of approvals before we head to Vietnam. Now if only Vietnam would hurry things along! We are going out to celebrate tonight!
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 2:41 PM 8 comments
I wish I was Super Woman
The Christmas Cards finally arrived and now that I am back from Saipan, they are getting sent in the mail. I know they are terribly late. But, I figured I should send them, even though they are late. I'll have to accept the fact that I am not perfect and maybe next year I'll do better :)
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Friday, January 09, 2009
We are in Saipan!
Dave bought me an airline ticket to go with him to Saipan while he is TDY. We arrived this morning. Dave didn't have to work until tonight, so I spent the day touring the island with Dave as my guide. He was going to guide me to snorkel in The Grotto, but I know my limits. The Grotto is a huge cave that you walk down about 5 flights of steep steps to. The water comes in through a cave. You can see the sunlight peeking through the water. I didn't get photos in the cave, but believe me it was gorgeous. Dave asked the security guard at the parking lot if it was safe to snorkel. He told us the no swimming sign could be ignored. Dave timed the tide and hopped across the rocks. He jumped over the other side and began to put on his snorkeling gear. He then went out of my sight. I didn't get too worried because there were divers still on the rock. I then saw Dave appear and he was holding onto the buoy rope. I was afraid it was too rough and he was going to be swept up onto the coral. Luckily he climbed back up on the rocks and timed his way back to safety. What a worried wife I was. His snorkeling gear malfunctioned and his mask was not working, he had to cut the trip short. At least he tried :)
*uploading photos will not work here. I'll try tomorrow
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Another Baby Step
It isn't huge, but it is movement.....Nathan's investigation was returned to the DOJ. Hopefully this means that we really will have DOJ approval SOOOOON!!!!!! Our agency has been pushing them, it looks like it is finally working :) There are still many steps involved and we normally don't hear about these baby steps, but any word of movement is exciting.
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 10:00 AM 2 comments
Friday, January 02, 2009
This is what memories are made of!
How I spent most of the day...watching Dave snorkel.
We had a successful day at the beach. Since we have arrived in Guam, the girls do not like going to the beach. Today was the exception. There was a little complaining, but I have instituted a new law in the Leonard household that if you complain, you have to tell me 5 things you are thankful for and nobody can repeat these throughout the day...this has curbed the complaining. I knew that when we started the descent down to the beach that we were in for it on the way back up, but to get a nice private beach, you have to hike. It is worth it.
Dave and I brought our snorkeling gear. We didn't see the need to lug the girls' gear too. Miranda was not amused by the ants at the picnic and the sand that covers everything. After our quick lunch Dave and I went for the water. We got a little snorkeling in and Miranda joined us in the water to cool down. After not long she mentioned that she wished she had her snorkeling gear. I didn't make a big scene with it, but I was quite impressed. They are starting to like the beach!
Dave has been preparing for his diving lessons and wanted to see how difficult it would be to swim a long distance with the snorkel gear (one of the requirements for diving). I was keeping an eye on him, while keeping the other eye on Miranda when I saw a dog going near McKenzie. The dogs had come by a few minutes earlier and didn't bother Miranda, but I didn't want McKenzie to get scared and run and the dogs chase her, so I told her not to move. Well, I should have kept my mouth shut!
McKenzie's instructions were to not get Dad's bag wet because his cell phone was in there. The dog went for Kenzie and then turned and stopped at Dave's bag and lifted his leg on it. There was no time for any of us to respond. I was on water duty and McKenzie was instructed to not move. I have not laughed so hard in a long time. The poor guy who owned the dog appreciated my laughing, I'm sure....better than getting mad at him. He went over to get his dog and check out the bag. Dave's "Chaplain" tag was pasted right on the top. The poor guy....his dog pee'd on the chaplain's bag, hehe.
Dave came back from his long swim and I couldn't wait to tell him "the news." The owner was so apologetic. Dave ribbed him and asked if his dog had something against chaplains...this is what memories are made of. The girls left happy and ready to return again soon!
Starting the climb back up to the car.
The bag has since been washed, and everything is fine. The next time that Dave pulls out his backpack, I'm sure I will smile. I may not be storing my personal items in it, but I will get a good giggle :)
Posted by Valorie Leonard at 5:56 PM 1 comments