Monday, December 01, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday Nathan!

We celebrated Nathan's 2nd Birthday with our neighbors last night. It was a great time. Dad bought Nathan a new basketball hoop. It is a little big, but he can grow with it. Dave is getting impatient to have his little guy home....we all are. So, I decided on a monkey cake. It was a fast put together, so it wasn't as cool as the one I saw online, but still cute. Happy Birthday Nathan!

The girls blew out a candle each for Nathan.


J and J said...

Happy Birthday Nathan!

Stevens Family said...

Awe, happy birthday sweet boy! It's so hard to see birthday's pass when you can't celebrate them together. I didn't know our kiddos were so close in age.

I hope you hear some great late birthday news in the next few weeks on your final DOJ approval.

Jean said...

What an adorable cake! I may have to come to you when we celebrate Lilymei's birthday in January.

Glad to see you made it home in time for Thanksgiving.


Jackie, Rich, and Mya Grace said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GUY!!!! Hope you are home soon!!!

asian~treasures said...

Happy Birthday, Nathan!!! You're family is SO ready for you to be home!
The cake is super-cute!! And, looks like that basketball hoop is ready for a game!

Sheri, David, Micah & Adria--waiting in VN

Suzanne said...

Happy Birthday Nathan!

Suzanne in MI

Anonymous said...

Thanks for de-lurking! I had no idea you'd received your referral? I am biased but I think adopting older kids (not that 2 is old by any stretch) is THE blessing of my life.

missy said...

I know how hard it is to miss special days like birthdays and holidays. Praying for you guys.

Jessica Alvarez said...

Awww...happy birthday, Nathan! The cake looks great. I hope you have Nathan home soon.