Saturday, December 06, 2008

Succesful Birthday Party

I woke up at 5 to do Miranda's cake. After the party and hospital visitation last night, I knew I was in no condition to finish a cake. She ended up with a Po head on a platter. It was cute, but not what I had anticipated for a Kung Fu Panda cake. She didn't mind.

The water park was a blast! So much better than I had anticipated. It was mommy friendly and I didn't mind riding all of the rides, except the one you see here. It had a really large drop and I had just eaten lunch.

I am off to get ready for Christmas party number two this weekend. At least my husband isn't the general. He said he had 22 parties last year. He had three just last night. That just doesn't sound like fun at all! I'm happy with the few that we do have :)
Miranda's Cupcakes for her class.


Anonymous said...

happy Birthday Miranda! happy Birthday Nathan! With love from the Coes

Jean said...

Oh Valerie! Now I understand what you meant by the arms falling off your cake! It looks like you saved the day anyway. Great job!eingyr


J and J said...

You have great talent in cake decorating! I can hardly frost a cake and make it look good. Cake turned out great, even if it was not as planned.

You have had such a fun time celebrating birthdays! Happy Birthday Miranda!