Monday, March 23, 2009

Nathan is Ours!!!!

We have a slow internet connection, so this will be short and sweet. I took over 280 photos today, so I'll just share a few highlights. I really wanted to post sooner, but was busy playing!

He is CUTE!
He LOVES his helicopter
He yelled "get out" (in Vietnamese)when we were getting into the van and leaving the orphanage.
He was given excellent care!
He is a great cuddler
He hasn't cried much, although he is a little more sad now that it is bed time
He LOVES 1-2-3...We hold his hands while walking and say 1-2-3 and then swing him...He giggled and giggled.
He is ticklish
He has eaten almost all chocolate today....we'll do better tomorrow!
(he did have a couple of bottles and some meat. I'm not that bad of a mom)
He LOVEs Nathan Bait (M&M's)
He hasn't had an accident all day! Toddlers who don't speak the same language still have a great way of telling you that they have to go!
He has had a bath and a bottle and is cuddling with Dad for bedtime.
He loves his new clothes and toys, especially his Elmo backpack and is very clean...I'm hoping he can teach my girls a few things!
He does not like socks
He sang on our walk this evening while he was snuggling in the Ergo. So cute!
That's all for now. We fly to Hanoi tomorrow. I'll try to update more then. Now what you are all here for....


asian~treasures said...

HOORAY HOORAY!!! He's yours!! Nathan looks great! Can't wait to see more & read more!

Sheri, David, Micah & Adria

Annette said...

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! We are so excited for you. It is wonderful to FINALLY see you both holding your son! Nathan is such a handsome little man. I am glad that things are going well. Thanks for sharing all of the great pics! I love them!


Aimee said...


What a cutie!!! I am so glad he is FINALLY yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prayers are with you!!!!

Jessica Alvarez said...

Woohoo! Congratulations! Thank you for the photos! They're wonderful! Nathan sounds like an amazing little boy. You must be so happy. Congratulations again!

Carol said...

Valorie & Dave,

Congratulations!!!!!!!!! It is so wonderful to see Nathan in your arms!! Too funny about the chocolate. Josiah has such a sweet tooth, sounds like Nathan may too! Enjoy this time (I know you will).

Many blessings,

Anonymous said...

We are so happy that you finally have your boy! I am sure his big sisters are going to teach him so much!
And he is potty trained! Oh my God! I need a few tips for that one! :)

Jean said...

What joy! We are so happy for you! My Nathan was so excited to see the pictures of your Nathan. We can't wait to see you all at home!

Enjoy the rest of your time traveling with your NEW SON!!!

The O's

Hank said...


Julianne said...

Could he be any cuter? What a doll! You guys look so happy, and we are so excited for you. I hope to meet him someday! We miss you guys!

Stevens Family said...

Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo. Congratulations Mom, Dad and big sisters!!! I jumped on earlier at work and was able to see pics but couldn't post unitl now. He is such a cutie patootie!! Can't wait to see more of your journey. Have a great flight up to Hanoi.

Our Family said...

Beautiful family and such good news about how well Nathan is doing! Can't wait to see him with big sisters and see more pictures of you all in VN! Mary Li and Jim

Anonymous said...

Brought happy tears to my eyes! Yeah!! Welcome to the Family of 5 Club! Have a safe trip Home. I will check back soon for more great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Yea! What a wonderful first day. Chocolate cures everything! Maya learned her first sign (more) when we gave her chocolate for the first time in Vietnam.

saucersrus said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm soooo excited for you guys!! Welcome to the outnumbered club :) Miss you bunches and we're praying for you to have safe travels.