Thursday, March 12, 2009

Visa approval

We are approved to enter Vietnam! My list didn't shrink yesterday, it only grew with more things to accomplish. Although, I did get the girls' and my Easter dresses purchased. I still haven't found "The outfit" for Nathan yet. I think Dave is taken care of as well. I took the day off yesterday. I started the day with Bible Study at the chapel, and lunch with a "new" friend. We have chatted at church, but haven't taken the time to go out. I knew I better now, before I have Nathan in tow. We had lunch at the new Chili's here and plenty of shopping at Ross DFL. It was great! Now, back to reality of having a huge list of things to do!


April said...

Hi there! My name is April and we are a military family with orders to move to Guam this October. We are a Christian family who also adopted (from Thailand). Our daughter is 3 and has been home for 1 1/2 year. We went through Holt Int'l. Originally we decided to adopt from Vietnam (my husband is from there) but through God's amazing plan our daughter was waiting in Thailand.
We currently live in Monterey, CA. My husband is Navy EOD and currently deployed to Iraq after finishing his Masters at NPS. He gets back in August and although our orders to Guam were VERY unexpected we're staring to get used to the idea!
Please check out our family blog. I'd love any insight you have on Guam. It looks like you have a great church. Is it on base? Blessings to your family as your continue your adoption journey.
April Cao

asian~treasures said...

Oh, you can find the perfect Easter outfit for Nathan right here in Hanoi!! We got Micah & Adria several outfits for $10 or less for each outfit. I love the silk here!! : )

I'm so glad you guys are soon heading to VN. I will need my VN fix once we get home & will be checking your blog constantly.

Packing & ready to go home...
Sheri, David, Micah & Adria